words that are pronounced differently but spelled the same

Words spelt the same but pronounced differently.
The case for spelling reform - Google Books Result.
Verbl Ablty& Readg Comprhsn, 3E - Google Books Result.
words that are pronounced differently but spelled the same
Double Meaning Pronounced differently but spell the sameI have.

What is it called when two words are spelled differently and have.
Homographs are words that are spelled exactly the same but have different meanings and origins. Some homographs are pronounced in the same way (e.g..
Pi Day: or the world of homonyms, homographs, and homophones.
each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but. Words which are written in the same way but pronounced differently:sow lead These.
May 29, 2013. Homophones are words that are pronounced the same but have different spellings and different. Sometimes, they're also spelled differently.
All languages have synonyms (words with unrelated spelling and pronunciation but the same meaning) and words with multiple meanings. However English.
words that are pronounced differently but spelled the same
The Pearson Guide to English for CDS Examination - Google Books Result.When two words are pronounced the same but spelled differently.